COVID-19 Veteran Fundraising Response
Today we are all impacted by COVID-19. We must look out for each other, making sure our neighbours and families are OK. We need to keep our children occupied and active during their time at home. And we need to accept this challenge with a positive frame of mind. In this time when we must stand apart we must, like in times of war, stand together more than ever.
Of course my great concern is for the welfare of our veterans, particularly those like myself who are getting-on in years. The cancellation of Anzac Day services and our traditional Anzac Day marches in town and cities across the country is a blow to all Australians, but none more so than to veterans. We will miss the comradery, the old mates we see rarely, and the chance to share our pride with family and friends.
But life will and must go on. For veterans that means the work we do to look after each other must continue. This is a time of year when the local chapters of our charities are normally on your streets and in shopping centres with their badges and knick-knacks to raise funds to look after veterans in their communities. Most local veteran charities decided not to fundraise in public, even before the latest social distancing measures. Our ageing volunteers are at a higher risk from this virus.
But veterans are not a group to give up without a fight. We will push on and stay ready to support our mates and families in need.
Times are tough for all and the charities supporting veterans are no exception. They need your help. While we cannot go onto the streets this year, we can go online. I ask that you go to and see how we can keep the spirit of care for our veterans a part of this Anzac Day.
These are trying times but it is in Australia’s nature to stand tall and united in adversity. That is the Anzac spirit.
Yours Sincerely,

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